
Welcome Package



Here's how the Welcome Package works:
  1. 1 Create an account then opt in via the Missions section of the poker software.
  2. 2 Play one hand on any poker game to unlock the first €5 of your redeemable bonus.
  3. 3 参与一系列锦标赛或现金游戏,将再获得€360奖金。继续游戏以提取您的奖金。请查看下表以了解更多详情。
  4. 4 Get additional rewards for completing Welcome Missions.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

奖金 如何赎回 每批所需Bonus Point Bonus Point总数
首个€5 随着您赚取Bonus Point以€2.50为单位分批赎回 25 50
Next €60 随着您赚取Bonus Point以€2.50为单位分批赎回 100 2,400
Next €300 随着您赚取Bonus Point以€2.50为单位分批赎回 250 30,000
赚取Bonus Point的比率为:每€1佣金和/或锦标赛费用可获取10点Bonus Point。如果您有已激活奖金,可在扑克软件的“奖金”部分查看您的Bonus Point。您还可以随时在激活奖金之间切换,并控制您想先赎回哪部分奖金。

Mission Reward
Avatar Mission
Change your avatar via the poker software
5 x €0.10 Free Blinds
Twister Mission
Buy-in to any Twister tournament
€1 Twister ticket and Welcome Prize Wheel spin
One additional Daily Welcome Mission will be available every day within the first seven days of creating your account. These missions will award Free Blinds and tournament tickets. Mission details can be found in the Missions section of the poker software.

Significant Terms and Conditions
  • In order for play to contribute towards redeeming your Welcome Package, you must opt in via the Missions section of the poker software. All play prior to opting in will not count towards redeeming your Welcome Package.
  • €365可赎回奖金中的首个€5可于您登录后,并在任意现金游戏或锦标赛中进行一手游戏后赎回。剩下的€360将于您在任意现金游戏或锦标赛中进行10手游戏后赎回。一旦可赎回,在满足相关Bonus Point要求后每批奖金将以€2.50为单位分批转入至您的余额,详情如上表。您可在扑克软件中的“奖金”部分查看您的进程。
  • €365奖金随后将通过您赚取Bonus Point以€2.50为单位分批赎回。当累积25点和50点Bonus Point后,将可赎回首两批€2.50奖金。对于之后的24批奖金,每累积100点Bonus Point将可赎回一批。对于余下所有奖金,每累积250点Bonus Point将可赎回一批。
  • 赚取Bonus Point的比率为:每€1佣金和/或锦标赛费用可获取10点Bonus Point。任何未赎回的€365奖金将于60天后失效。
  • For the Twister Mission you must buy-in to any Twister Sit & Go tournament. Twister tickets can only be used to enter Twister tournaments with the corresponding buy-in. If unused, tickets expire seven days after being credited.
  • Welcome Prize Wheel Spins will be credited to your account once you have played in a Twister tournament of any buy-in amount within seven days of account creation. The prize wheel can be found via the icon at the top of the poker software. A breakdown of prizes is available in the table within the Using Your Prizes Terms and Conditions. Spins on the prize wheel expire seven days after they are credited.
  • For the Avatar Mission you must change your avatar via the client home screen or in the account settings of the poker software. If unused, Free Blind rewards expire 14 days after issue.
  • 所有任务必须在开通账户后7天内完成。
  • 本优惠仅适用于2024年6月10日12:00 CET起注册帐户的新客户和符合资格的客户。
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion runs until 10:59 CET on 7th April 2025.
  • In order for play to contribute towards redeeming your Welcome Package, you must opt in via the Missions section of the poker software. All play prior to opting in will not count towards redeeming your Welcome Package.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers who register their account from 12:00 CET on 10th June 2024. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
Redeeming Your €365 Bonus
  • €365可赎回奖金中的首个€5可于您登录后,并在任意现金游戏或锦标赛中进行一手游戏后赎回。剩下的€360将于您在任意现金游戏或锦标赛中进行10手游戏后赎回。一旦可赎回,在满足相关Bonus Point要求后每批奖金将以€2.50为单位分批转入至您的余额,详情如上表。您可在扑克软件中的“奖金”部分查看您的进程。
  • €365奖金随后将通过您赚取Bonus Point以€2.50为单位分批赎回。当累积25点和50点Bonus Point后,将可赎回首两批€2.50奖金。对于之后的24批奖金,每累积100点Bonus Point将可赎回一批。对于余下所有奖金,每累积250点Bonus Point将可赎回一批。
  • 赚取Bonus Point的比率为:每€1佣金和/或锦标赛费用可获取10点Bonus Point。
  • There is no wagering requirement attached to the €365 bonus, and once redeemed, it can be withdrawn at your discretion. Any unredeemed part of your €365 bonus expires after 60 days.
  • 所有类型的现金游戏和锦标赛均可计入€365奖金的赎回。
  • For the Avatar Mission you must change your avatar via the client home screen or in the account settings of the poker software.
  • For the Twister Mission you must buy-in to any Twister Sit & Go tournament.
  • All missions must be completed within seven days of account creation.
Using Your Prizes
  • Welcome Prize Wheel Spins will be credited to your account once you have played in a Twister tournament of any buy-in amount within seven days of account creation. The prize wheel can be found via the icon at the top of the poker software.
  • A breakdown of prizes available from the Welcome Prize Wheel can be found in the table below.

    Welcome Prize Wheel Breakdown

    Prize Probability
    €5 Twister ticket 3.297%
    50 x €0.10 Free Blinds 3.297%
    €2 Twister ticket 8.242%
    20 x €0.10 Free Blinds 8.242%
    10 x €0.10 Free Blinds 16.484%
    €1 Twister ticket 16.484%
    €0.10 cash 43.956%
  • All Welcome Prize Wheel spins expire seven days after being credited.
  • All Twister tickets awarded from the Welcome Package are automatically credited to your account and can be used to enter any Twister tournament with a corresponding buy-in. If unused, tickets expire seven days after they are credited.
  • MTT tickets awarded from Daily Welcome Mission completion are automatically credited to your account and can be used to enter any tournament with a corresponding buy-in. If unused, tickets expire seven days after they are credited.
  • Free Blinds must be used on a bet365 Poker table that has blinds of the same value. The Free Blinds will be automatically redeemed in cash to the player’s main balance whenever the player posts a blind of this type. Free Blinds can be found in the Tickets section of the poker client. There must be a minimum of three players at the table in order to redeem the Free Blinds. If unused, Free Blind rewards expire 14 days after issue.
General Information
  • 这些规则应与我们的条款与规则一起阅读。
  • Not all tables are guaranteed to be available on all platforms during the promotional period.
  • bet365可能随时对此优惠进行微改以更正笔误、提高用语清晰度或提升客户体验,并且可能随时因法律法规要求或技术原因取消或限制此优惠。
  • bet365保留拒绝赔付串谋作弊或使用温和玩法的玩家的权利。除此之外,当因任何原因玩家的账户被冻结或是玩家被禁止登录扑克室,该玩家将无法再享受此优惠的任何部分。
  • This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other open account offer.
  • 无论是个人或是组合中的一员,如有任何违反优惠条款的行为,或有任何证据表明单独客户或一组客户所进行的一系列投注来源于存款奖金、额外支付或任何其他推广优惠,无论结果如何,只要导致客户获得保证的利润,bet365可索回此类相关优惠中的奖金或额外支付,取消任何通过优惠进行的投注和/或移除因这些投注而产生的彩金。此外,若有证据表明存在该行为,bet365可向客户收取手续费(手续费的上限等值于奖金或额外支付),以弥补检测该行为和对其采取措施而产生的行政管理费用。
  • bet365可索回错误添加的奖金金额。
  • 每位客户仅可享受一项本公司所提供的优惠。如果bet365有理由怀疑同一个客户、同一组客户不止一次申领奖金或优惠,bet365可随时收回任何客户或客户组的任何或全部优惠,并/或取消任何使用奖金进行的投注和因这些投注而产生的彩金。
  • bet365的雇员、办公人员及管理人员﹑相关促销代理﹑授权者和被授权者、服务提供商及其他相关人员或合作机构都不得参加此活动。此规定亦适用于以上人员的直系亲属。