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Rank#1|mission1progress#0|mission2progress#0|mission3progress#0|mission4progress#0|mission5spins#0|mission5staking#0|mission6progress#0|teams#0~0~0~0~0~0|timestamp#29/06/2024 14:54 GMT
LastUpdated#29.06.2024 16:28 (UK)

bet365 Premium Squad

Here's how it works:
  1. 1 jocuri slots eligibile din Casino and play eligible slots to complete your choice of missions detailed above.
  2. 2 Reveal a national team for each mission you complete – up to five available for the Group Stage.
  3. 3 Get five Free Spins for every goal scored by your teams throughout the Euros tournament.
  4. 4 Plus, return from 09:00 GMT on 27th June and complete the Bonus Mission to reveal an extra team for the Knockout Stage.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

Depending on which mission you complete – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond – you’ll reveal a team with a different status, from Underdogs up to Favourites.

All six teams revealed and no goals scored? If none of your teams can find the net, you’ll receive five Free Spins as a consolation. This applies at the end of the Group Stage and again after the Knockout Stage if you’ve completed the Bonus Mission.

Eligible Casino slots for using your Free Spins once available are:
Significant Terms and Conditions
  • The promotional periods run on the following dates:
    09:00 GMT on 7th June until 17:00 GMT on 14th June 2024.
    09:00 GMT on 27th June until 14:00 GMT on 29th June 2024.
  • You must opt in to take part in this promotion.
  • Eligible slots for the gameplay requirement for each mission can be found on the banner above by clicking the relevant mission, or in the table below.
  • Teams will be allocated based on the mission you have completed. Each mission has five possible team allocations, apart from the Diamond mission where there are four possible teams. You will have an equal chance to be assigned each team within each mission. Your team will be assigned once you have completed the relevant mission and cannot be changed once allocated.
  • You will receive five Free Spins each time one of your allocated teams scores a goal during the Euro 2024 tournament. Free Spins awarded are based on the result at the end of each match, this includes extra-time but does not include goals scored during a penalty shootout.
  • If you complete all five Group Stage missions and none of your teams score a goal during the Group Stage, you will receive a consolation prize of five Free Spins. If you also complete the sixth Knockout Stage mission and your allocated teams continue to fail to score a goal, you will receive a further five Free Spins.
  • All prizes will be credited as Free Spins and you will have seven days to accept from crediting. You can accept your Free Spins via the pop-up message or through the My Offers section. Once accepted you will have seven days to use your Free Spins. Any Free Spins unused by this date will be removed along with any winnings accrued.
  • Free Spins can be used on the following eligible slots: 7 Lucky Keys, Apocalypse Riders X, Blistering 7s Deluxe, Book of Horus, Bullish Business: Mad Money and Spin O'Reely.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • The promotional periods run on the following dates:
    09:00 GMT on 7th June until 17:00 GMT on 14th June 2024.
    09:00 GMT on 27th June until 14:00 GMT on 29th June 2024.
  • You must opt in to take part in this promotion.
  • Eligible slots for the gameplay requirement for each mission can be found on the banner above by clicking the relevant mission, or in the table below.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
  • Only cash stakes made on the qualifying slots via Slots contribute. Stakes made via Casino, Live Casino, Sports, or the Poker client do not contribute.
  • Mission details are shown in the table below.
    Teams will be allocated based on the mission you have completed. Each mission has five possible team allocations, apart from the Diamond mission where there are four possible teams. You will have an equal chance to be assigned each team within each mission. Your team will be assigned once you have completed the relevant mission and cannot be changed once allocated.
    Eligible Slots
    Complete 200 spins
    Albania, Georgia, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
    Golden Macaque
    King Blitz
    Panda Blitz
    Pharaoh's Daughter
    Tundra Wolf
    Complete 500 spins
    Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Scotland and Ukraine.
    Fire Blaze: Sky Queen Megaways™
    Gold Hit: Dragon Bonanza
    Honey Gems PowerPlay Jackpot
    Joker Rush: Cash Collect
    Khonsu: God of Moon
    Stake €70
    Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey.
    Blue Wizard
    Blue Wizard Megaways
    Fire Blaze: Toltec Blocks
    Gold Hit & Link: JP Bacon & Co
    Wild Pistolero
    Stake €100
    Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands and Portugal.
    Big Circus!
    Gold Rush: Cash Collect
    Hit Bar: Gold
    Hit Bar: Gold PowerPlay Jackpot
    Legacy of the Tiger
    Complete 400 spins and stake €50
    England, France, Germany and Spain.
    Complete 400 spins on:
    Amazing Factory
    Buffalo Blitz II
    Gold Trio: Sinbad's Riches
    Stake €50 on:
    Extreme Fruits Ultimate Deluxe
    Sky Queen
    Complete 500 spins
    One of the 16 teams that qualified
    Fire 4: Cash Collect Quattro
    Mega Fire Blaze Piggies and the Bank
    Queen of the Pyramids: Mega Cash Collect
    Wild Lava
Free Spins
  • You will receive five Free Spins each time one of your allocated teams scores a goal during the Euro 2024 tournament. Free Spins awarded are based on the result at the end of each match, this includes extra-time but does not include goals scored during a penalty shootout.
  • Free Spins are valued between €0.10 and €0.20 per spin dependent on the game played. Eligible slots for using Free Spins are: 7 Lucky Keys, Apocalypse Riders X, Blistering 7s Deluxe, Book of Horus, Bullish Business: Mad Money and Spin O'Reely.
  • All prizes will be credited as Free Spins and you will have seven days to accept from crediting. You can accept your Free Spins via the pop-up message or through the My Offers section. Once accepted you will have seven days to use your Free Spins. Any Free Spins unused by this date will be removed along with any winnings accrued.
  • If you complete all five Group Stage missions and none of your teams score a goal during the Group Stage, you will receive a consolation prize of five Free Spins. If you also complete the sixth Knockout Stage mission and your allocated teams continue to fail to score a goal, you will receive a further five Free Spins.
  • Free Spins displayed under each mission are the cumulative total of the Free Spins you have currently earned based on each of your allocated teams. To view any remaining unused Free Spins, open an eligible slot.
General Information
  • Trebuie sa cititi acesti termeni si conditii impreuna cu termenii si conditiile noastre generale.
  • Selected featured games will only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified. Not all games are guaranteed to be available, on all platforms or web browsers, during the promotional period.
  • In cazul in care oricare termen din aceasta oferta a fost incalcat sau exista dovezi ale unei serii de pariuri plasate de un client sau un grup de clienti care, datorita unui bonus depozit, unei plati suplimentare sau oricarei alte oferte promotionale, au ca rezultat un profit garantat pentru client, indiferent de rezultat, fie individual sau ca parte a unui grup, bet365 poate recupera partea bonus sau plata suplimentara dintr-o astfel de oferta, poate anula orice pariu plasat din oferta si/sau poate anula orice castiguri dintr-un astfel de pariu. In plus, daca exista dovezi depre o astfel de activitate, bet365 impune clientului o taxa administrativa de pana la valoarea bonusului sau a platii suplimentare, pentru costurile administrative suportate pentru identificarea activitatii sau masurile luate impotriva acesteia.
  • bet365 may reclaim any Free Spins which have been awarded in error.
  • Toate ofertele adresate clientilor sunt limitate la o singura oferta pe persoana. Daca bet365 are motive intemeiate sa creada ca bonusul sau oferta este solicitata de catre sau in beneficiul aceleiasi persoane de mai multe ori sau de catre un grup de persoane, bet365 poate retrage oricarui client sau grup de clienti disponibilitatea oricarei oferte sau a tuturor ofertelor, si/sau poate anula orice pariu plasat din bonus si poate anula orice castiguri obtinute dintr-un astfel de pariu.
  • bet365 poate face modificari minore la aceasta promotie in orice moment, pentru a corecta greseli de ortografie sau pentru a imbunatati claritatea sau experienta clientilor si poate anula sau restrictiona aceasta promotie din motive legale, de reglementare sau tehnice.
  • Cu scopul de a combate activitatea frauduloasa, bet365 a introdus metode de detectare si prevenire a abuzului referitor la aceasta oferta. bet365 poate solicita oricarui client sa furnizeze documentele necesare si/sau elemente de verificare in scopul acestei oferte, in mod rezonabil, pentru a ne asigura asupra identitatii clientilor, inainte de a credita contul cu orice oferta, fonduri bonus si/sau castiguri.
  • Angajatii, functionarii si directorii bet365, agentiile afiliate, detinatorii si furnizorii de licente, prestatorii de servicii si orice alte companii asociate sau afiliate, nu vor fi eligibili pentru a participa la oferta. Acesti termeni se aplica si familiilor acestor persoane.