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bet365 offers are only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers.

15th - 21st December

The bet365 Festive Draw

Have a ball with a top prize of €3,000

Here's how it works:
  1. 1 Opt in during the promotional period.
  2. 2 Earn one draw ticket for every €10 staked on eligible slots.
  3. 3 €20,000 in cash prizes to be won.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

The prize draw will take place on 22nd December 2023. A breakdown of the prizes is shown in the below table. There is a maximum of one prize per customer in the draw.

Numar de castigatori
Total: 292

Significant Terms and Conditions
  • This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers.
  • Promotion runs from 00:00 GMT on 15th December until 23:59 GMT on 21st December 2023.
  • In order to participate in the promotion you must opt in, which can be done at any time before the end of the promotional period.
  • Only play from the day a customer becomes fully verified and eligible will count towards the wagering requirement of this offer.
  • You will earn one prize draw ticket for every €10 cash staked on eligible slots: 90K Yeti Gigablox, Book of Horus, Chiquito Navidad, Chrismas Cash Pots, Christmas Jackpot Bells, Eye of Horus, Finn and the Swirly Spin, Fishin' Christmas Pots Of Gold, Fortune Coin, Gates of Olympus and Moon Princess Christmas Kingdom.
  • There is no limit on the number of tickets you can earn but you can win a maximum of one prize. Any prizes not won during the prize draw will be reallocated among qualifying players. For a breakdown of prizes available, see the prize-pool table above.
  • The prize draw will take place on 22nd December and winners will be credited within 72 hours of the promotional period ending. All prizes will be credited as cash and you will have 30 days to claim your prize. To claim, go to the Account Menu and then My Offers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion runs from 00:00 GMT on 15th December until 23:59 GMT on 21st December 2023.
  • In order to participate in the promotion you must opt in, which can be done at any time before the end of the promotional period.
  • Only play from the day a customer becomes fully verified and eligible will count towards the wagering requirement of this offer.
  • You will earn one prize draw ticket for every €10 cash staked on eligible slots: 90K Yeti Gigablox, Book of Horus, Chiquito Navidad, Chrismas Cash Pots, Christmas Jackpot Bells, Eye of Horus, Finn and the Swirly Spin, Fishin' Christmas Pots Of Gold, Fortune Coin, Gates of Olympus and Moon Princess Christmas Kingdom.
  • There is no limit on the number of tickets you can earn.
  • This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.

    As part of our full verification requirements you must be document verified. Visit our dedicated
    Verification page which provides an explanation of our requirements for full verification and guides you through the process.
Prize Draws
  • The prize draw will take place on 22nd December and winners will be credited within 72 hours of the promotional period ending.
  • All prizes will be credited as cash and you will have 30 days to claim your prize. To claim, go to the Account Menu and then My Offers.
  • There is €20,000 in cash available in the prize draw.
  • There is no limit on the number of tickets you can earn but you can win a maximum of one prize. Any prizes not won during the prize draw will be reallocated among qualifying players. For a breakdown of prizes available, see the prize-pool table above.
General Information
  • Trebuie sa cititi acesti termeni si conditii impreuna cu termenii si conditiile noastre generale.
  • Not all games are guaranteed to be available on all platforms and selected titles might become available only once logged in and verified.
  • Cu scopul de a combate activitatea frauduloasa, bet365 a introdus metode de detectare si prevenire a abuzului referitor la aceasta oferta. bet365 poate solicita oricarui client sa furnizeze documentele necesare si/sau elemente de verificare in scopul acestei oferte, in mod rezonabil, pentru a ne asigura asupra identitatii clientilor, inainte de a credita contul cu orice oferta, fonduri bonus si/sau castiguri.
  • In cazul in care oricare termen din aceasta oferta a fost incalcat sau exista dovezi ale unei serii de pariuri plasate de un client sau un grup de clienti care, datorita unui bonus depozit, unei plati suplimentare sau oricarei alte oferte promotionale, au ca rezultat un profit garantat pentru client, indiferent de rezultat, fie individual sau ca parte a unui grup, bet365 poate recupera partea bonus sau plata suplimentara dintr-o astfel de oferta, poate anula orice pariu plasat din oferta si/sau poate anula orice castiguri dintr-un astfel de pariu. In plus, daca exista dovezi depre o astfel de activitate, bet365 impune clientului o taxa administrativa de pana la valoarea bonusului sau a platii suplimentare, pentru costurile administrative suportate pentru identificarea activitatii sau masurile luate impotriva acesteia.
  • Toate ofertele adresate clientilor sunt limitate la o singura oferta pe persoana. Daca bet365 are motive intemeiate sa creada ca bonusul sau oferta este solicitata de catre sau in beneficiul aceleiasi persoane de mai multe ori sau de catre un grup de persoane, bet365 poate retrage oricarui client sau grup de clienti disponibilitatea oricarei oferte sau a tuturor ofertelor, si/sau poate anula orice pariu plasat din bonus si poate anula orice castiguri obtinute dintr-un astfel de pariu.
  • bet365 poate face modificari minore la aceasta promotie in orice moment, pentru a corecta greseli de ortografie sau pentru a imbunatati claritatea sau experienta clientilor si poate anula sau restrictiona aceasta promotie din motive legale, de reglementare sau tehnice.
  • Angajatii, functionarii si directorii bet365, agentiile afiliate, detinatorii si furnizorii de licente, prestatorii de servicii si orice alte companii asociate sau afiliate, nu vor fi eligibili pentru a participa la oferta. Acesti termeni se aplica si familiilor acestor persoane.